Tuesday, 16 August 2011


Bhatyal Khandaan(Clan) is a branch of Suraj Vansh and their “Gotar” resembles with that of Jamwal Clan. It is told that clan father of Bhutyal Rajputs established “Krimchi” town which is 6-miles away from Udhampur towards north and is situated on left side of “ Ladha Daar”. Now this town seems to be in ruins. Still there remain 3-4 temples on piedmont that shows some evidence of once populated town. One big temple contains few daities, which are about 2 ft. down the surrounding land. This shows that the temple surroundings have been dumped under Mulba. This temple is across Devak and the Krimchi fort on the otherside of the Nallah. Bhatyal Rajputs built this fort that is situated at a high ground but now only bare walls are standing. Inside this fort lie ruins of house of the erstwhile Bhatyal families across vast grassy land. These temples were built by “ Keechaks” who had come from Kashmir (Ref: Raj Tarangni History). These “Keechaks” also known by various other names as “ Hushak”, “Jushak”and “Kanishak” kings, came to this place during 1856 Bikram Samvat. Some historians dub these “Keechaks” as belonging to “ Tatars” but this is the same “Kanishak” who was also known as “ Keechak” by the local people and they all were three real brothers. Some believe that “ Keechaks” might have descended from Raja Diya Karan (Refer to Mahabharta Era) who were once settled in Rainawari (Kashmir). The other branch of Diya Karan descendants is Bahu Rajputs.

Raja Som Paat was the first Bhatyal Raja who came from Kashmir and settled in Bhattal. He established his power seat in Bhuti (Krimchi) and so his descendants called Bhutyal after him. Raja Som Paat was succeeded by Pasrech, Diya Dhata, Hann Dhatta, Baje Pal, Sabi Pawar, Asthan Pawar, Dil Paan Sut, Ujjain or Janian, Baluchan, Trilochan, Tahir Pushat, Barpast, Nakharmanur who ruled this Bhuti State.

Tahir had four sons-----Nand, Owari, Lowari and Neelsi. From Owari descended Bhagal Rajputs and from Lowari descended Rayan Dang Bhattal wala Rajputs.

The eldest son Nand became the Raja of Bhuti (Krimchi). He had Dheeth, Sri, Jeet, Nibh as his successors to the throne. From Nibh descended three sons named Ambar Singh, Hasan Si and Pukar Si. The descendants of Hasan Si settled in Kansaal and that of Pukar Si at Kotlehar in Bhuti (Krimchi). Raja Avtaar Singh was succeded by Neel Singh who was succeeded by Jopan and Qatar Singh in turn. Raja Qatar Singh had four sons----- Takhat Singh, Raghu, Bishamber and Babu. The descendants of Raghu settled in Hamira., Bishamber’s at Sarup and that of Babu at Kotla in Udhampur tehsil. Pahar Singh who had two sons named Udhay Singh and Bhagat Singh succeeded Raja Takhat Singh. Prince Bhagat Singh established a village Bhangara after his name and his descendants settled there. His son Daan Singh who had two sons named Maan Singh and Amar Singh succeeded Raja Udhay Singh. Prince Amar Singh’s descendants settled in Kambhli. Raja Maan Singh had six sons---- Chhatter Singh, Prem Singh, Anchal Singh, Sahib Singh, Balwaan Singh and Ganga Singh. Raja Chhater Singh succeeded the throne of Bhuti State and the other five brothers took to ploughing their lands and with the passage of time mixed in other khandaans (clans). Balwaan Singh established a village named Bali and his descedants became famous as Bali Rajputs. Raja Chatter Singh had two sons Abhey Singh and Himmat singh. The descendants of Himmat Singh settled in Mansar that was once established by Prince Maan Singh. Raja Abhey Singh was succeeded by Raja Bhunpal Singh who had also two sons---- Bahadur singh and Laab Singh. Raja Bahadur Singh was a cotemporary of Maharaja Ranjeet Dev of Jammu. Raja Bahadur Singh was succeeded by his son Raja Jai Singh whose sister was married to Raja Bhupinder Pal of Basohli (Kalyan Pal was born to her). Raja Jai Singh was allotted a Jagir of Malhori after his extradition from the Bhuti State, which Maharaja Ranjeet Singh gifted as Jagir to Maharaja Gulab Singh.

Himmat Singh had one son Pratap Singh who in turn had three sons---Kanwal Singh, Rattan Singh and Shamsher Singh and a daughter who was married to Raja Sir Amar Singh (Brother of Maharaja Pratap Singh) of Jammu. Rani Bhatyal gave birth to most handsome, intellectual and brave Maharaja Hari Singh. The descendants of Kanwal Singh settled in Malhori and 2nd Sukh ram is settled in Gai Dessa(now in Doda Distt.). by vijinder singh bhatyal


  1. Incredible article thank you

  2. Thanks for share your knowledge but I read somewhere that our roots belongs to balochistan

  3. Accurate information. Thanks for update
